Technology Hot News Spot

Sunday, March 26, 2017

You can actually hang this Google-synced Magic Calendar on your wall... some day in the future

Calendars are a thing of the past, a thing of the present and a thing of the future. Those paper things we hand on our walls? Past. The cool, colored and event-packed calendars in our phones. Present. A mix of the two? The future.

At least this is what this conceptual product coming from a Japanese Android Experiments campaign is all about.

A calendar that looks like paper, but automatically syncs with your Google Calendar

A simple idea, it brings what looks like a perfectly usual, traditional wall-hanging calendar, but rather than using boring paper, the imaginative minds behind this concept change the material to an e-ink display. An e-ink display is two things: low-res, but most importantly - extremely (and we mean extremely) battery frugal.

It's the perfect material for a wall calendar that hangs on the wall for months and in this case, it could well last for ever.

Everything else is rather simple: this e-ink calendar that looks just like a paper calendar, syncs with your Google Calendar account and magically brings those dead calendar numbers to life with events and color. Events refresh automatically and months change automatically, so you don't need to manually move that plastic window every day. Unfortunately, it's all in the concept stage at the moment, so it may never materialize as a real product, but we know that if it did, we'd want one. What about you?

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