Indian phonemaker Micromax is not unfamiliar to mid-range Android smartphone segment. A few phones under the Knight Series have almost touched the Rs20,000- mark, while the likes of Yu Yutopia sold under Micromax's sub brand YU Televentures have gone beyond. But, the company is keeping in touch with the changing dynamics of the smartphone market. Their latest smartphone Dual 5 is another mid-segment product by the company. Priced at Rs 24,999, it belongs to the new Dual series of smartphones in which camera and security will be a key highlight. The Dual 5 will be available in both online ( and Micromax e store) and all major offline stores from April 10.
New approach of Micromax
Dual 5 is the first major phone announced by Micromax in the last few months. However, it is not just another of those phones trying to impress users with premium design and high-end cameras. It also underlines the company's new approach to reaching out to buyers. Security and after sales service, two of the most talked about issues faced by users have been addressed.
For security, the Dual 5 uses a standalone security chip with an encrypted storage for passwords built-in the phone's hardware. Micromax claims it is equivalent to military grade EAL 5+ security standard and won't be easy to get past. This sound similar to hardware backed encryption technology that Apple uses in iPhones and Swiss company Sirin Labs uses in Solarin smartphones. To ensure, that users data is not abused, Micromax has added a few additional features that work remotely. So when a SIM card is removed, the phone will immediately prompt user to unlo ck the phone, failing which the phone will be remotely wiped.
To improve after-sales and public perception, Micromax has set up more service centres in the country, taking the total count to over 1,000. The company assures service will be provided within 24 hours in case of issues. But the icing on the cake is the one-year device replacement warranty on the Dual 5. No other phone maker barring Apple offers a full device replacement.
Key highlight and rivals
The Dual 5 will be full metal body smartphone with a 5.5-inch full HD AMOLED display with Gorilla Glass 3. It is available in a single gold colour variant and weighs 164g. The phone uses 3d antenna technology for better cellular and WiFi reception.
The phone runs on Qualcomm's mid-range Snapdragon 652 octa-core chip with 4GB RAM. Though it is a capable chipset and can run a few high end games better, it is not the best bet at the price point. The likes of OnePlus 3T and Xiaomi Mi5 run on a lot more powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 chip with 6GB RAM and 820 chip with 3GB RAM respectively.
The Dual 5 is powered by a 3,200mAH battery and supports Qualcomm Quick charge 3.0 technology. It offers 128GB internal storage and supports micro SD cards.
The other major highlight of the Dual 5 is the two 13-megapixel primary camera powered by Sony sensors. One is a monochrome sensor which takes black and white shots but can capture more detail and light. The other is a regular RGB sensor. The camera app will fire them separately to take a shot and then merge their results to produce a high quality shot.
First Published: Thu, Mar 30 2017. 10 10 AM IST
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