Technology Hot News Spot

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The YotaPhone 3 is still alive and well

True innovation in smartphones is sometimes difficult to come by. We're constantly getting handsets with crispier displays, faster processors, and snappier cameras, but true revolutions are fewer and further in between. The YotaPhone was the first dual-screen Android smartphone to hit the scene back in late 2013, and the combination of its traditional LCD panel and unique e-ink display opposite of it created for quite a bit of buzz and talk amongst the tech community.
That handset was followed up a year later with the YotaPhone 2 in late December, 2014, but there hasn't been a whole lot of talk for the handset since. There were murmurings about a YotaPhone 3 and YotaPhone 2c in May of 2015, and while the 2c (a more affordable version of the YotaPhone 2) never turned into anything real, the rumored YotaP hone 3 still created for some conversation.
As 2015 progressed, we caught wind of Yota teaming up with ZTE to launch the YotaPhone 3. The smartphone was originally slated to be released in 2016 for around $550, but as we all know, that never happened. It made sense to think that all hope might be lost, but that doesn't appear to be the case any longer. The official Instagram page for Yota has recently been awoken after a long absence of no activity at all, and a comment that's found on one of the posts roughly translates from Russian to English as - 

What does this mean? Unfortunately, not a whole lot just yet. A "third generation" smartphone more than likely references the YotaPhone 3, but we still don't have any i nfo as to what specs the phone will feature, how much it'll cost, when it will be released, etc. Don't hold your breath for this information to be released soon, but once it is, we'll be sure to keep you updated.

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