Technology Hot News Spot

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Republican congressman says low-income Americans have to pick either one: new iPhone or healthcare

Donald Trump, the controversial 45th President of the United States, known more for his colorful persona rather than for any specific economic or health policy, is ushering a brand new healthcare plan that will repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as Obama care. And he's got a bunch of Republican Congressmen behind his back, defending the new plan.

Problem is it will be expensive. Millions of people might no longer be able to afford healthcare.

So how do the Republican Congressmen defend this possibility?

If your name is Jason Chaffetz, a wealthy white Republican Congressman, you don't. You just tell people that they should not be buying new iPhones, but instead spending the money on health care.

It's true: health care is a choice. However nowhere in the world it is as expensive a choice as in the United States. New iPhones that retail for $650 and more would probably buy you years of health insurance in multiple European countries, but unfortunately Congressman Chaffetz seems poorly informed about health insurance rates in the USA. In the general case, this would not even buy you a month of health coverage. Everybody knows that, but what is particularly striking about Chaffetz's comment is just how terribly condescending it sounds, with a 'deal with it' attitude. And one thing is certain: whatever the healthcare system ends up being, American people deserve better treatment from the elected officials.

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